Monday, May 21, 2012


My knee is killing me.  I've had some hard days at school packing and lugging heavy boxes but I MUST get some weight off these knees.

For b-fast I had Kashi berry cereal and milk.

Snack was a S'mores Luna bar.

Lunch was a 4 cheese cannolli lean cuisine and a cup of grapes.

For afternoon snack I had an apple I'd dropped a few times and had to eat around the bruises.  A little later at home, I had 2 Belvita cookies with a tiny smear of allfruit spread.   A while after that I had 2 rolo brownies (don't worry, they're out of the house now) and a glass of milk.

Supper was 2 scrambled eggs with an English muffin and all fruit spread and 2 turkey sausage patties.  I think I also ate 3 rolo candies sometime.  I'm working on getting all the sweets out of the house.

My calorie total for the day was:  1689 out of my 1930 daily allotment.   Not too shabby...I may have a few more grapes later if I want something else.

My knee was just killing me after school so no exercise today.  Hope the first days of summer bring healing to my knee.

It seems like it would be boring to read this day after day.    Do you think it will be?

PS.  Clara B. Dog is on a diet too.  She's having terrible trouble with her joints but the vet says she's not a good candidate for surgery being an older dog and all.  She needs to lose 8 pounds!  Which will bring her to a svelte 60.  The vet wants her on a prescription dog food for her joints.  I about choked when I saw the price...but what ya gonna do?


  1. I'm so proud of you to start another 365 and to pick this. It'll only take a couple months to make new habits but after a year you'll be a new woman. I'm glad you have a weightloss partner in Clara and I hope the knee improves so you can both get out.

    It won't be boring reading every day because other things will start finding there way into the blog. Our issues with weight aren't because of food and exercise; it's so much more.

  2. Oh, I love the header picture. Strong picture for a strong woman.

  3. My parents had to put their basset on the diet food and I want to submits about $60 for a 40lb bag BUT she's lost over 10lbs in the few months that she has been on it.

    Very proud of you for starting this blog. I am definitely in need of losing a lot as well. All time high was 321. Currently at 272.

    You've got this!

  4. I think its good to write it down on the blog, and it will not get boring but will be a good diary of how your lifestyle evolves and changes. And as Evelyn said maybe you will use the blog to explore other areas that could be influencing your habits. Hope your knees feel better soon.
    I know you can do this and how do I know? Because it teks a lot of commitment and dedication to have done the 365 days photo blog - so you have it in you to get things done.

  5. Boring shmoring ...besides, you're not writing for our entertainment but for your well being. And having read your blogs for so long, I know some humor will creep in & all kinds of other stuff
