Friday, July 6, 2012

48/365 - Thin Face

I went out to lunch with some school friends and I thought someone might notice I was just a tad slimmer but they didn't.  I know I have to lose a lot for people to notice but since I haven't seen these gals in a few weeks, I thought they might notice.  When I was in my mid-20s I lost over 100 pounds (only to gain it back and then some) and I recall that no one really noticed until I was about 40 down.  Well, then I stopped by my parents' to pick up Dollface and Mom said my face looked so... (I thought she was going to say RED because I was so hot at that moment) thin.  So maybe it is a little noticeable and this is a good thing.  I hope I've lost enough by the first day of school for some people to notice.

Breakfast was PBJ on toast and skim milk.
Lunch at a local winery was 1/2 a club sandwich and 1/2 some sort of salad.
Supper was an apple with peanut butter.
Snack was a handful of m&ms.

Didn't figure cals today but I guess I did ok.


  1. the last time I started to really watch what I was eating and successfully shed some pounds, it seemed to take forever for anyone to notice. I still don't think people really took notice, but I knew and my clothes fit. I hated no one noticing, but I didn't do it for them, I did it for me....Now I just have to get back on that horse and do are still my inspiration...keep it up....and sorry for the lack of comments...I've been stuck in a bad rut for a while...but I've been reading...

  2. I had the same thing happen with a significant weight loss. I found people noticed when I bough a couple articles of clothes that fit me a bit better. So you better go buy a couple new things for the start of the school year.
