Saturday, May 26, 2012

7/365 - Goals

I've decided on a couple of goals. First, I'd like to lose 20 pounds and be under 300 by my birthday which is August 3. This would be big as getting close to a milestone such as this is always rough territory. I haven't been under 300 in years. I came close while I was pregnant and unintentionally losing 1-2 pounds a month and I can remember a few other times I've been close, but unable to stick with it. This time I will. Second, I would like to bike 1500 miles this year. I've already got about 230 in and I'll be biking everyday now that school is out, weather permitting. I'm going to work on really improving everyday and not just going "lalaala, I'm riding my bike" inside my head, of course and getting distracted by the birdies flying by. Food: Breakfast was the same as yesterday but with Kashi blueberry waffles. I liked Eggos better for this and Eng. muffins even better. Kashi, why didn't you stay crisp under the layer of PB? Going to put syrup on Kashi soon and see if I like them better. Lunch was the same as yesterday. Exactly the same. Pre-bike ride snack was a delectable room temperature orange. Supper was a little tuna salad I made with ranch dressing, celery, hard boiled egg and grapes. Also some carrots on the side. Evening snack WILL be a Skinny Cow cone. I would eat those things even if I wasn't watching what I ate. Good work, Skinny Cow, for making "diet" food that is better than it's "nondiet" counterpart. Sorry Namebrand drumstick cone, but your cone part gets chewy and there's no delightful fudgy stuff in your bottom. (hehehe) Calories: 1810/1930 A great bike ride in the wind today. So DRY here, I'm ready for some rain to bring down the dust.


  1. Goals are awesome! I just have to stop procrastinating & set some;)

    I LOVE skinny cow!!!

    Cheering you on!!!

  2. Wow! You are being so good. I've got to start moving some once school is out for me. I love ice cream. I really should check out Skinny Cow. :-)

  3. I think your goals are perfect but I think you'll probably get to 1500 miles by the end of the summer.
